A Celebration of Light: Painting the Textures of Light in Watercolor
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A Celebration of Light: Painting the Textures of Light in Watercolor Overview
This book approaches painting in a traditional manner with an extreme sensitivity to light and texture.15 demonstrations (4 complete painting demos, 11 short technique demos) show how to master essential techniques and paint a variety of textures (crystal, flowers, fruit, lace, silver, rusted metal, wood, fabric, hair) in various lighting situations. 10 full-page sidebars interview 10 popular artists who paint light, offering the reader various perspectives and approaches to the topic.The book includes advice for setting up still lifes, shooting reference photos, composing light and shadow for stronger impact, altering and exaggerating colour, reproducing dramatic lighting effects, and working without the hassle of masking fluid. Plus, the book devotes an entire chapter to an often neglected topic: backgrounds and how they can support your subject and enhance your painting.